UniTEA House!

Something's brewing…

Art Extravaganza!

In our mission to connect the community of Durango, we as UniTea took our space and transformed it into a hub for local artists to showcase their work. At the UniTea Art Extravaganza we were able to connect visual & musical artists from around town in a fabulous gathering, letting creative energy flow.

The event went well into the evening with an audience of all ages. We danced, laughed and enjoyed the array of color hanging from the wall. It is our hope as a growing family of tea loving, tree hugging, Durangatangs that we can continue the collaboration of artists in our community space.

If you are interested in hosting, participating, or just learning more about art at UniTea feel free to e-mail me, Indigo, at myrainbowsindigo@hotmail.com and join our family!

UniTEA Breaks it Down.

Who: YOU.

The UniTEA House is run by volunteers dedicated to providing a space where anything is possible! You are invited to join the team so that we may co-create an evolved vision of reality.


All are welcome to grace the tea house with their light filled presence and enjoy a cup of ethically wild-crafted tea. Part of our intention in serving tea is to bring awareness to the healing power of plants and inspire us all to heal ourselves and thereby heal the earth.

 UniTEA house is a safe (sober) space with highest intention of providing a venue for healing, teaching, learning, and sharing. “Everything we can learn we can learn from each other”


The UniTEA House is a portal to other dimensions nestled in the beautiful mountains and mesas of Durango, Colorado. You’ll find us at 666 College Drive (above The College Drive Cafe) and just down the road (thankfully) from our friends at Durango Natural Foods.

When: NOW.

Currently we are open by request and for events. Check out the september calendar for more info. As we groove into Fall 2012 we envision being open more regularly. Contact us if you’d like to host a workshop, class or whole day! 

Why: WHY NOT? 

The UniTEA House’s purpose is to create and strengthen community. We are bringing people together who are helping each other to build a better world. 


The most important aspect of how UniTEA functions is you. The energy you exchange with us- whether it be your time, ideas, money, or love- is the fuel that feeds and motivates us to continue to share and grow.

Introducing UniTEA House!

UniTEA House serves ethically wild-crafted herbal teas, and locally made treats and snacks. UniTEA House offers a space for anyone to teach donation based classes and workshops or host meetings for grassroots community groups and organizations. We will be hosting events like spoken word, dance parties, and artist showcases. No person will be turned away for lack of funds because we believe that by giving freely we are rewarded infinitely.

Our mission is to provide a community space that will foster a stronger bond between every member of the community.

We are located at 666 College Drive, Durango, CO 81301

Wanna get involved or inquire about utilizing the space? Contact us at uniteahouse@gmail.com

Creating Space…

Photos from UniTEA House’s creation…

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